What People are Saying.....

"I never imagined that my son would gain so much confidence in such a short period of time.  It was amazing!"

"My child did not want to go to cotillion so I bargained with him to attend the Preview Night and encouraged some of his friends to go.  When I picked the carpool up after the Preview, I couldn't believe that they were the same children I had dropped off earlier!  They went from complaining about going to talking about who else they could invite to join them."

"Cotillion was so much fun!  I got to see my friends and met a lot of new people. 

I can't wait for the next session!"

"My child was extremely hesitant to go to cotillion the first night...I actually had to bribe to him go!  But after that, he was excited to go to every class."

"Mrs. Kunz clearly relates to preteens and teenagers. 

They come out of class chattering nonstop about what they have done that night. 

She makes it fun and educational."

"My daughter has now been through three sessions of cotillion.  She just can't get enough!  And the growth in her confidence is unbelievable.  

Cotillion is so much more than dancing."

"When my parents told me about cotillion, I thought it would be boring. 

Boy, was I wrong!"

"I'm not going to lie...dancing with a partner was really awkward at first.  Then I forgot all about it and concentrated on asking my partner questions to try to find things we had in common.  It turned out we knew some of the same people!"

"The highlight of the cotillion season for me, as a parent, was dancing with my child at the end of season Semi-Formal."            --7th grade parent